
Following books are available respectively in preparation:

Spielhoff_Bayerische Lokomotiven Band 1
Lothar Spielhoff
Lokomotiven der bayerischen Eisenbahnen - Band 1
Locomotives of the Royal Bavarian Railways - Part 1]
(only in german language)

With this book, Lothar Spielhoff, who engaged himself his whole life with lokomotives since his traineeship in former "Reichsbahn-Ausbesserungswerk" in Esslingen, published the first part of his history of the bavarian locomotives.

For him the history of this locomotives did not end with transformation from Bavarian Railways to German Reichsbahn on 1st April 1920, but he describes these lokomotives partly until age of German Bundesbahn. Lists with date of rejection at end of each chapter. A large number of pictures out of his personal collection, but also of personal collection of Mister Kronawitter and Mister Griebl were shown.

This first part of history starts with the beginning of bavarian history of lokmotives and the types of express-, passenger- and freight-trains.

Bavarian History of Railway and its development
Ludwigs-Railway Nuremberg - Fürth
Railroad lines
Development of bavarian lokomotives
Bavarian Lokomotivcompanies J.A. Maffei and Krauss&Comp.
Organisation of garage of the Royal Bavarian Railways
Nomination of bavarian lokomotives
The Railway from Munich to Augsburg
- First lokomotives
- Express-lokomotives
- Passenger-lokomotives
- Freight-lokomotives
Lists (technical datas)
384 pages
dimensions 29,7x21cm

~300 photographies
~80 drawings
~6 maps


€ 45,80 (D)*

Spielhoff_Bayerische Lokomotiven Band 2
Lothar Spielhoff
Lokomotiven der bayerischen Eisenbahnen - Band 2
[Locomotives of the Royal Bavarian Railways - Part 2]
(only in german language)

In second Part of his history of bavarian locomotives Lothar Spielhoff describes the types of the lokal locomotives (standard and narrow gauge) and beginning of electric locomotives but also lokomotives of non-public K. privilegierten Actiengesellschaft der Bayerischen Ostbahnen and other non-public railways in Bavaria.

But also special locomotives (track maintenance trains, railcars, austrian and swiss charter lokomotives while WW I) have own chapters in this book.

Also in this second part of history, large number of pictures out of his personal collection, but also of personal collection of Mister Kronawitter and Mister Griebl were shown.

- Passenger tank locomotives
- Shunting tank locomotives
- Freight tank locomotives
- Rack railway locomotives
- Local line locomotives
- Narrow gauge locomotives
- Coal cars
- Track maintenance trains
Charter locomotives during WW I (Austria and Switzerland)
Steam railcars
Kgl. priv. AG der Bayerische Ostbahn
Non-public bavarian Railway-Companies
Electric locomotives
Development of diesel electric trainset in Bavaria
Lists (technical datas)
Compendium of official train-listings
Lists of deployment
Measure, Weight and currency in Bavaria
405 pages
dimensions 29,7x21cm

~350 pictures


€ 48,95 (D)*

Lothar Spielhoff
Lokomotiven der pfälzischen Eisenbahnen

[Locomotives of the Palatinian Railways]
(only in german language)

This book of Lothar Spielhoff, something like third part of the history of bavarian locomotives, is about the development of railways in bavarian Palatinate and one chapter of the book is about the person and lifework of the „father“ of bavarian and palatinian  railways: Paul Camille von Denis (26th June 1795 - 3rd September 1877).

History of the Palatinian Locomotives starts at the beginning of the several palatinian railways, socialisation through Kingdom of Bavaria till end of the german Länderbahnen in 1920.

Jistory of the Palatinian Railways 1837 - 1909
History of palatinian locomotives
Description of palatinian locomotives
- First palatinian locomotives
- Express- and Passengerlocomotives
- Freightlocomotives
- Shunting tank locomotives
- Narrow gauge locomotives
Compendium of official train-listings No. 1 - 410
Compendium of official train-listings narrow gauge
Reparation of locomotives of the Palatinian Railways after WW I
Paul Camille von Denis
Upper Foreman of the Palatinian Railways
Lists (technical datas) of palatinian locomotives
224 pages
dimensions 29,7x21cm

214 pictures


€ 33,00 (D)*

Lothar Spielhoff
Lokomotiven der badischen Eisenbahnen - Band 1

[Locomotives of the Railways of Baden - Part 1]
(only in german language)

In his fourth book of the history of german locomotives Lothar Spielhoff describes the locomotives of the Großherzoglich Badischen Staatseisenbahnen.

The first part starts with development of railways in Grand Duchy of Baden, before he begins with descriptions of the individual building type. Timeline is drawn from beginning of railways in Baden till the Verreichlichung of the german Länderbahnen in 1920 and rejection of Deutsche Reichsbahn and Deutsche Bundesbahn.

In chapter about reparation after World War I he shows - if possible - the way of the delivered locomotives of former Großherzoglich Badischen Staatseisenbahnen.
320 pages

144 pictures


€ 48,00 (D)*

Lothar Spielhoff
Lokomotiven der
badischen Eisenbahnen - Band 2
[Locomotives of the Railways of Baden - Part 2]
(only in german language)

Second Book of the history of locomotives of the badische Staatseisenbahnen.

dimensions 29,7x21cm

~112 pictures


price unknown

estimated date of publication: Summer/Autumn 2013
Lothar Spielhoff
Lokomotiven der
badischen Eisenbahnen - Band 3
[Locomotives of the Railways of Baden - Part 3]
(only in german language)

Third Book of the history of locomotives of the badische Staatseisenbahnen.
dimensions 29,7x21cm

~120 pictures


price unknown

estimated date of publication: Summer 2014
* incl. german tax, but excluding freight and packaging in case of direct orders

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